The Difference Between PCOS and PCO

PCOS and PCO PCOS is a health condition linked with hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance, which can bring about a whole menu of symptoms. The most common symptoms are: • Hirsutism (most common) • Irregular periods • Infertility • Acne • Weight Gain PCO is when you have lots of cysts on your ovaries but … Read more

What causes unwanted facial hair?

What “Causes” Unwanted Facial Hair? Unwanted facial hair is usually not related to a serious illness. However, it can be caused by several different factors, sometimes in combination. Since every woman is different, only a doctor can provide your diagnosis. However, it can be caused by several different factors, sometimes in combination. Here are the … Read more

Talking about PCOS

PCOS? Never heard of it! ‘Why have you never heard of PCOS?   Many women ask this question when they are diagnosed, or are asked it when they try and explain to someone what’s been making them feel under the weather.  It is amazing that a condition estimated by the medical profession to affect up … Read more

What’s important to YOU!

Todays topic is… What is important to YOU… So the questions is… “What is important to YOU in this climite of challenegs with finances?   Arrrh I hear you say, whats this got to do with hair removal???” Well everything! What do YOU value?